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Database End-User Tools

SQL 6-pack

Platinum Technology

SQL 6-pack is a collection of utilities for use with the SYBASE SQL-Server. All routines are available as command line version or callablesubroutines. SQL 6-pack contains the following utilities: -- SQLexpresstransfers data from one server to one or more servers at high speed andwithout requiring disk space. -- SQLim prepares an irregular input filefor bulkload. -- SQLex copies out SQL-defined dataset in user-definedformat. -- SQLmon monitors overall server performance and space. --SQLback will backup and reload data-only in a logical storage. -- SQLiprovides better ISQL with history, scrolling, and more.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.3

Platinum Technology
100 Spear St Suite 2100
San Francisco, CA 94105
Phone: (415) 462-1199
Fax: (415) 536-0655